Due Diligence Diagnostic

You've been requesting it, and now only APEX is able to provide it.

APEX's "Due Diligence Diagnostic" will help you make better decisions at the beginning of your claim or litigation process, saving you time and money.

The diagnostic will review all of the provided material and claim issues and provide initial assessments of each, highlighting factors such as pertinent contract provisions, delay and productivity analyses, and damage calculations.

Our diagnostic even will provide a preliminary confidential written or oral opinion regarding the claim. And, APEX can guarantee all of this can be done in as little as three days* and for a flat rate!

No more worrying about how much time your consultant is billing and no more “surprise” invoices!

Our report will address:

  • Strengths & weaknesses of claim issues and points of interest.
  • Address pertinent contract and general conditions clauses.
  • Initial assessment of available project schedules and potential project delay.
  • Identify elements of damages and provide initial estimates using damages model.
  • Offer suggestions as to direction of claim and opinion of merit.
  • Assessments of substantiation and cause/effect damage impacts.

*For most projects, if, due to complexity, duration and/or price cannot be met, your consultant will advise prior to any work being performed.
